You can use online services at the surgery to book an appointment, order a repeat prescription, get a sick certificate, get test results, ask about a non-urgent medical problem and view your medical record.
Which online service to use?
There are different online services for different tasks.
Your NHS account
Use your NHS account (on the NHS website or in the NHS app) to:
- Order a repeat prescription
- Get your test results
- View your medical record
See Registering for online services on how to register for this service.
Use your eConsult account on the eConsult website to:
- Ask a question
- Complete an online form to ask about a non-urgent medical problem
- Get information on self-care and community services
- Request a sick note
See Registering for online services on how to register for this service.
Registering for online services
To begin or order your repeat prescriptions online to access your online record please follow the simple registration steps on the NHS App.
The registration letter from your practice will include links to the services above – you may use both if you wish.